Employer articles

Being a manager often means juggling between recruiting new staff and leading your current team. While there are no shortcuts when it comes to being an employer, there are ways to stay ahead of hiring and market trends. Ensure that your recruitment and management strategy is compelling with insights from an expert recruitment agency in Hong Kong.

How to develop leadership skills in your employees

Sometimes, the best reward to your staff can be an investment in their skills to further their career. Follow these tips to make leadership training a worthwhile program for the future.

5 examples of helpful employee appraisal comments

Employee appraisals, when done right, can provide employees a way to gauge their own performance as well as share valuable information on how their managers should manage them.

How to write a performance appraisal sample in Hong Kong

As today’s employees request for more feedback, it’s crucial for managers to use wisdom and tact when evaluating their team members’ performance. We’ve prepared a performance appraisal sample to help you, highlighting key areas to focus on when you conduct your next performance review meeting.

5 warning signs of a poor work environment

Are you finding that staff are unhappy lately? It could be an early sign of a poor work environment in the office. Here are the signs and remedies that every manager should know.