worklife blog

Whether you're a jobseeker or employer, the Robert Half blog is your one-stop destination for tips, advice and insight you can use to hire engaged and productive workers or land a challenging and fulfilling job. As a top recruitment agency, we also offer new research about the workplace and the latest insights into the Hong Kong employment market. Learn from Robert Half’s expert recruiters about how you can build a talented team of employees or advance your career forward.

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Why staff retention should be top of mind post-COVID 19 (and how to improve it)

Companies that lose sight of their staff retention strategy as they navigate COVID-19 could be at risk of a staff exodus when the market rebounds. With a focus on sustained effort and long-term thinking vital to effective staff retention initiatives, here are some timely and relevant ways to maintain a loyal workforce – both now and post-pandemic.

17 questions you need to ask IT Help Desk candidates

Due to the pandemic, it’s likely you’ll be interviewing candidates remotely. What are the best help desk interview questions to ask? Here are 17 questions that will help you discern between good candidates and great ones — and help avoid the costs of a bad hire.

How to create a smart and flexible staffing plan

The employment market is transforming rapidly. As many companies shift their priorities towards essential functions and new opportunities, find out how you can remain competitive with a smart staffing plan.