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Whether you're a jobseeker or employer, the Robert Half blog is your one-stop destination for tips, advice and insight you can use to hire engaged and productive workers or land a challenging and fulfilling job. As a top recruitment agency, we also offer new research about the workplace and the latest insights into the Hong Kong employment market. Learn from Robert Half’s expert recruiters about how you can build a talented team of employees or advance your career forward.

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How to prevent employee burnout when you have a skeleton staff

When some of your employees are on vacation, out on sick leave or have recently decided to leave the organisation, it’s likely your remaining staff will feel overworked. Find out what you can do to prevent your staff from burning out as a result.

3 signs of struggling office morale and how to counteract them

For managers, attempting to improve office morale can be a daunting task in the current climate, especially if you are managing a remote team. However, it’s critical to meet the challenge of low morale head-on. Here are some tips.

Key traits of a good leader in the time of COVID-19

Many companies are looking to evolve their leadership styles and methods to tackle the multiple challenges of COVID-19. Business-as-usual has been replaced by the need for agility and effective change management, balanced with resilience, empathy and compassion during what remains a highly uncertain time. So, what job skills and personality traits are key to making a good leader – particularly in technology and finance – in this new environment?