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Whether you're a jobseeker or employer, the Robert Half blog is your one-stop destination for tips, advice and insight you can use to hire engaged and productive workers or land a challenging and fulfilling job. As a top recruitment agency, we also offer new research about the workplace and the latest insights into the Hong Kong employment market. Learn from Robert Half’s expert recruiters about how you can build a talented team of employees or advance your career forward.

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How reverse mentoring can be good for business

In a brave new working world where the workspace consists of cross-generational staff, companies are increasingly introducing reverse mentoring programs, with millennials sharing their experiences and insights with their more established professionals.

Should I put the salary offer in my job advert?

When you advertise a job opening, should you include the position’s salary offer? While there is no right or wrong answer, there are pros and cons to salary disclosure in a job ad.

5 ways to negotiate a pay rise with your staff

Knowing how to negotiate a pay rise goes both ways. If you are a manager, it is important to know how to be prepared for such requests, as how you respond can be the difference between retaining and losing talent.