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3 advantages of succession planning for your company

Do you have succession planning strategies in place in case a senior-level leader departs? This article discusses the importance of having a succession plan and outlines some strategies you could implement to avoid future disruption.

What does an Actuary in Hong Kong do?

If a challenging and rewarding role as an actuary sounds appealing, read on to learn what they do, which skills and qualifications are required and what the career prospects are in the current market.

5 primary reasons for staff turnover in Hong Kong

Worried about the level of employee turnover within your business? Discover why employees may decide to leave, some of the signs you should look out for and strategies you can implement to prevent employee turnover from becoming an issue.

5 IT jobs in Hong Kong that will change your hiring plans

The world is changing, fast. It’s no longer enough to think about recruiting for the jobs of today; hiring managers need to plan now for the jobs of the future. Here are the top five future IT jobs emerging as a result of technological advancement.