worklife blog

Whether you're a jobseeker or employer, the Robert Half blog is your one-stop destination for tips, advice and insight you can use to hire engaged and productive workers or land a challenging and fulfilling job. As a top recruitment agency, we also offer new research about the workplace and the latest insights into the Hong Kong employment market. Learn from Robert Half’s expert recruiters about how you can build a talented team of employees or advance your career forward.

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How to attract the best candidate for the job

The best candidate is not going to sit around waiting for an offer from you. Sometimes you need a more proactive approach to get the right one. Because the best candidate for the position you’re hoping to fill knows exactly what they’re worth.

The accounting certifications that employers crave

With so many accounting certifications out there and so little time between work, it can be a challenge to identify which is best for your career. Here are the accounting qualifications that employers today crave to help you find the right certification that suits your needs.

8 reasons to reach out to an executive search firm

Hiring into the C-suite requires proper investment into the right expertise. Here are eight circumstances in which working with an executive search firm is essential.